5 years of airsoft experience and our airsoft team is becoming real more and more. With the slogan "lust for dust" is approved, the squad name is still yet to conclude. The logo will probably be a detailed pictogram of M1 Abraham tank that were used in Operation Desert Storm.

Most of the teammates are close friends from ABAC and other universities in Bangkok. We tend to join together every possible weekends for some fun experience and touring around various battle fields that Bangkok has to offer (so far, about 5 fields). It is without a doubt that teamwork is developed in this sport and you cannot go one-superman-show on the field. You will be shot!!
A lot of our teammates are fan of M4. I will try to update our custom AEGs M4 asap. Stick around to check em out. They are true beuties. :-P Over and out,
-nap, 3 Echo
-nap, 3 Echo
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มาสิ! เล่นทุก weekend ที่ว่างครับ :D